Please join us at Arts & Crafts – a NEW art experience – an art gallery which benefits the children attending the Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area.
Prepare to immerse yourself in this one-of-a-kind art gallery experience where creativity collides with the minds of young artists. This unique Arts & Crafts event will feature artwork jointly created by youth and local artists. While you view the artwork, enjoy signature crafts at Knuth Brewing Company’s Blossom & Hops Event Center. Arts & Crafts will include an auction art gallery, craft cocktails, appeal, and live music. All proceeds benefit the Club.
Thursday | September 26, 2023
Time: Craft Cocktails & Registration begins at 5:00- 6:00 PM; Event begins at 6:00pm
Knuth Brewing Company’s Blossom & Hops Event Center
230 Watson St, Suite 200 | Ripon, WI 54971
$50 per person includes heavy apps & 1 craft drink per guest
For questions regarding Arts & Crafts, please contact our Resource Development Coordinator, Kassidy Walters at 920-361-2717 ext. 206 or kwalters@bgctric.org
Arts & Crafts Sponsorship Opportunities
Da Vinci Sponsor: $7,500
- 12 VIP tickets to event*
- Name listed in radio ad
- Representative to attend radio interview
- Logo recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Logo displayed on event webpage
Van Gogh Sponsor: $5,000
- 8 VIP tickets to event*
- Logo recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Logo displayed on event webpage
Picasso Sponsor: $1,500 (artist collaboration sponsor)
- 4 tickets to event
- Name recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Logo recognition next to artists’ piece
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Name displayed on event webpage
Chihuly Sponsor: $750
- Name recognition on invite**
- Name recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Name displayed on event webpage
Crafts Sponsor: $2,000 (craft drinks) (SOLD!)
- Name recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Logo on VIP signature mug
- Name displayed on event webpage
- Signage at event
Event Venue Sponsor: $1,500 (SOLD!)
- Name recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Name displayed on event webpage
- Signage at event
Culinary Sponsor: $1,500
- Name recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Name displayed on event webpage
- Signage at event
Mozart Sponsor: $1,500 (music) (SOLD!)
- Name recognition on invite**
- Logo recognition on event banner
- Recognition on social media, PR & print
materials - Name displayed on event webpage
- Signage at event
**Deadline for logo or business name on invitation: July 17th, 2024.
*VIP – unlimited free craft cocktails & signature mug.
Arts & Crafts Registration
Arts & Crafts 2024 registration is OPEN! On behalf of the Boys & Girls Club staff and members thank you for supporting the lives of area children and their families. Your support is greatly appreciated! 100% of proceeds benefits the Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area.
2024 Arts & Crafts Sponsors:
Van Gogh Sponsor